Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I titled my blogger A gOOD fRIENDS because i defined a gOOD fRIEND like a "COMPUTER" Because for me a gOOD fRIEND is like a
"COMPUTER" that "eNTER" to your life..
"sAVE" to your heart.. And help you to "fORMAT" ur problems..
and SHIFT" you to opportunities, and can never be "dELETE" of the "mEMORY"..
Because for me, whith out friends is like a shoe that you cant walk
whith out the other pairs..And a fRIEND is there to helf you
intimes you are in trouble, and a gOOD fRIEND is there willing
to walk whith you for the rest of your life..
And Having a gOOD fRIENDS is like knowing your self better..

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